Wildbill wrote:
One of the reasons the project was dumped may have been due to the fact that the commercial version of the story was poorly written. Well, defunct NoA, all I can say is that you got what you paid for.
Sorry I have to say but this seems a little needlessly spiteful. I don't see how it's really NoA's fault for a bad third-party translation (other than their usual "quality standards" censorship, for which I assume that them mentioning it is going beyond just that.)
It is as possible Vic Tokai maybe didn't give as much of a budget to the localization. Looking at their release history, it was kind of near the end of when they were publishing 16-bit games outside Japan. (their one later US SNES game, Shien's Revenge, seemed to have gone from rare, to common when reportedly some old stock was found, to rare again)
Their later few FC/NES games just got dumped when they presumably no longer cared for the market (including cutting one RPG for both of its intended Japanese and US releases, as well as the third Golgo 13 game which looks like it would've been a pretty decent game had it been released, thankfully the English version was found.)
Apparently one Mega Drive game dev was so angry at the company for cutting his budget he hid an animation of the characters shooting up a SFC or something like that.