filler wrote:
FYI: I'm fine with releasing some info on the game including keeping this thread in the public forum and leaving the YouTube video public. In fact, I think a little publicity might get people interested in the game, and be a nice lead up to what should be a fairly quick release at this point. A RHDN news post or some such might be nice.
I haven't played any further than you WB, but I don't believe there are any towns. I think it's strictly mission based.
FYI: There is some info here from a fan may be worth considering their take on the names. I did use "Freet" from their post since it fit better than "Fleet" in the context. I did take the liberty of calling the robots "Ancient Robo Fighters" rather than "Ancient Machine Soldiers" since I think it ties back to the game title nicely and has a good ring.
I was wondering about that name myself, but I'm rather fond of "Freet" at this point. I feel like Fleet is more confusing and probably just as odd sounding in the end.
BTW: I checked out the YouTube video. It looks good!
Okay, Freet it is - even though it reminds me of the sound a little pencil-neck fellow makes when he pinches off a fart! (Pardon me, ladies!)
How about "Maint" or "Repair" for "Stock" with the Cargo vessel menu? When I see "Stock", I'm looking for a soup line or a hatch that leads to a storekeeper, hee-hee...! I wanna buy some mega-potions or something so I can throw a unit at the enemies. As it stands, the safest way to fight is stay bunched up, creep forward, and let the baddies come to you.
Certainly, it's up to you and Draken on the public thing. Sorry if I jumped the gun with what you had in mind, Drake. But TF was all over my post like a mallard on a May beetle! Doubt two people saw it, if that. TF, whatever the team agrees on, but it was a good move on your part. Better safe than sorry.
Hey, this is a nifty game, just as I said. Nothing wrong with it being a little tougher than Feda and Shining Force.
BTW, Recca is about halfway through formatting La Wares. He has a few bug reports. Nothing Bongo` can't iron out, I'm sure. Can send them any time. Recca says he might have it back to me on the weekend, but no rush.
With GR, I'm shooting for one scenario a day on average. This means about three more weeks. Runs me up to my kid's wedding, if something unexpected doesn't bite my behind in the meantime!