@Draken: Yeah, I'm pretty exhausted after all that actually. In hindsight, this probably wasn't the best use of my time on the weekend. You're most likely right that this person was certainly nothing more than a troll trying to push my buttons, as you've said. I probably shouldn't have allowed myself to get caught up in such an obvious "bait" type post, but it bugged me when they started taking shots at Wildbill over our Super Shell Monsters Story translation which was released years ago.
@SylarDean: You make some very good points and might be right about the idea of allowing only project members and beta testers to participate in discussions regarding the romhacking/translation project that they are currently working on. As you've mentioned, it would be rather harsh to turn off all outside discussions in this way, but it would definitely prevent any trolling or abusive behavior that the team might experience. A long while back, I remember speaking to Wildbill and Taskforce about something very similar and one of them mentioned that it might have been best if Nightcrawler did away with the forums in general and kept the site as merely a library and news site for various romhacks and translations. This probably would have been for the best.
@minspi: I understand and agree with a lot of what you're saying. Finding balance without favoring one side or the other is paramount in keeping the moderation of a site unbiased, fair and just. I myself am also a centrist, but a bit more towards the conservative side of things, center-right if you will. I've always opposed extremism on both sides of the political spectrum, be it the alt-right or alt-left. Radicalism and extremism never leads to anything good, and should thus not be encouraged for the sake of a unified and civil nation. People should ideally be able to openly debate such issues with each other in a civilized way and without resorting to personal attacks, threats or insults. After all, people have different needs and opinions on just about everything and a "one-size-fits-all" solution to everything simply won't work in most cases. There are both good and bad points when it comes to both liberalism and conservatism. The secret is finding a healthy way to balance both types of ideas and policies in an ideal society.
I wanted to end this message with my latest post from the currently ongoing debate over on RHDN. This is getting a bit tiring, so I'll probably end it here (assuming I don't get reeled back into a debate there again.) Note, this a direct response to a post by "PZT":
I guess that I must have mistaken you for trolling when you wrote this: "please let me put slurs and rants about government healthcare in my translations or I will cry"
That was definitely NOT trolling by any means, and very mature of you by the way. What exactly gives self-entitled people like you the right to dictate to others what they should or shouldn't include in their respective works? What exactly makes you the "authority" on this? Who cares if a group didn't want to include subtitles in their translation? It's their business, not yours. If you don't like it, just don't play using their translation then. Learn Japanese and either play it that way or translate it yourself.
Your long wall of text proved absolutely nothing yet again. It basically boils down to: "Liberals good, they say what they want and Conservatives bad, they get silenced." Don't even try to deny that it's not true when you referred to the admins at RHDO as "right-wing creeps" in your first post here. You are the one that is trying to silence people, not me. I believe in open discussions among different groups, you're just an alt-left troll, it's as simple as that. And yes, it absolutely is a double standard to allow toxic leftist trolls to spam, but delete every other response to their posts. Furthermore, I know all about being a moderator on a big site, as I've been an admin at Dynamic-Designs for over twelve years now.
So many words, so little wisdom. Once again, you have proven my point that those who only focus on complaining and nothing else, contribute absolutely nothing to the scene. This is a romhacking/translation board, not an alt-leftist hangout. You can go to Twitter, Facebook, Reddit or literally any social media platform which all welcome alt-leftists such as yourself and shuns everyone else. I'm getting really tired of having to repeat the same points over and over again. I sincerely hope that you all take the time to read my posts very carefully before jumping to conclusions. I'm a centrist first and foremost and am firmly against extremism on both sides of the political spectrum, as nothing good ever comes out of radicalism.Latest and hopefully last post because this uneducated moron is a huge waste of my time:
PZT wrote:
boring rant
Okay, I'm going to make this very clear for you one final time:
1. There is no contradiction, open discussion means stating your opinion on something, not harassing people. You can say what you want about a translation or romhack, but once the author has explained their reasoning to you and has clearly stated that this decision is final, it's time to move on. And yes, there is in fact such a thing as an extremist liberal or conservative. Regardless of left-wing or right-wing politics, a person can certainly take things too far and can thus be considered an extremist either way.
2. Are you sure that I'm the one being ignored here, because it seems to me that no one is taking you very seriously. Case and point:PZT wrote:
the_E_y_Es wrote:
Dear God, who would waste their time reading this? I doubt you'd put as much effort into actual romhacking.
Chaotician wrote:
Well, this is disgusting. So you're getting political and assuming the left wings are saints? lmao. stfu man, this is not the place to act like a moron or bragging.
Bregalad wrote:
This is beyond disgusting. People like you are the very reason drama is being made and that the RHDN staff was torn and this place is being phased out.
Bring politics when it's completely unrelated to the matter
Accuse without proof
Think you are right and people who disagree with you are somehow inhumane and shouldn't be interacted with
3. You never answered my original question all this time. Namely, what exactly have you contributed or offered to the community here? I've been a member at RHDN since 2008 and have submitted many translations over the years, written numerous reviews and fixed quite a few pages by providing the relevant information and making corrections where needed. What exactly have you done for this site besides writing nonsense in this thread and then patting yourself on the back for it? Face reality, I'm a translator and top contributor here and you're just a virtue signaling troll. You're the one being laughed at and ignored, not me. I hope that you can at least comprehend this fact for what it is.Another one of my replies:
TrekkiesUnite118 wrote:
If that screenshot is supposed to be an example of them being hostile then I'm going to say you're over exaggerating that. I see nothing remotely hostile, confrontational, mean, or disrespectful in that post. It's simply stating that they decided not to do subs because the Japanese version didn't have subs for that part. That should have been the end of the discussion right there, regardless of whether you liked that answer or not. Now if you guys kept pushing the issue after the fact, then any negative reaction you got is entirely your own fault.
Reading the bits I'm getting here I'm leaning more towards you and anyone else arguing with them being in the wrong. Not only did you not take no for an answer, you flat out admitted you went to their blog to continue the argument/harassment after they shot it down here. That's completely uncalled for and if you pissed them off enough at that point to say they'd shoot down any attempt at an addendum patch then you have no one to blame but yourselves.
And I'm also not buying that there was real legitimate concern for accessibility for deaf people. If there's truly concern for that then where is the drive for accessibility hacks for tons of official English games that have audio only parts like Lunar, Grandia on PS1, Snatcher on Sega CD, etc. Again I've been on the receiving end of these discussions and have seen how they've been playing out. This angle has started to get thrown around more now that fandub patches are becoming a thing with games like Bulk Slash, Stellar Assault SS, etc. It generally starts with people wanting a subbed release because they don't like dubs. When people get no for an answer from the devs due to technical reasons or simply not wanting to do that, then this argument gets thrown out as a last ditch effort to guilt the developer into doing a subbed release. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened here.
Quite frankly the read I'm getting from this situation is that you guys were in the wrong for harassing the devs for subtitles and tried every angle you could to get your way with them. You're not entitled to dictate what a dev should or shouldn't do with their hack or translation patch. If you don't like it, don't play it. If you think it can be done better, put your money where your mouth is and learn the skills to do it yourself.
PZT wrote:
anybody who goes out of their way to say "my works will never be LGBT-friendly, BLM-friendly, whatever-else friendly" is an asshole trying to wink at other assholes
when I see that I just think, alright I get it this guy hates the disenfranchised, it's cringe, like somebody going out of their way to show you their bumper stickers of Calvin peeing on stuff, any sensible person thinks "why do you care so much about what other people think about you"
some of the stuff you guys say is so bizarro world, I guess I'll chalk it up to cultural differences
I'm probably opening up a can of worms by even saying this but I'll go out and mention an elephant in the room when it comes to this whole subtitle thing, which is to say, altering someone else's translation or hack is no morally different than the act of hacking the original work to begin with, provided you're not selling it, but we're probably getting off-topic with that line of inquiry
It means that he doesn't want to give in to pressure or pander to people like you who only want to virtue signal and interfere with his translation for the sake of your leftist politics. Especially if no such liberal themes existed in the original Japanese version, which is usually true of most older games. Once again, your post is basically "liberals good, conservatives bad" and nothing more than this. You demonize those that don't agree with you and want them silenced, that's pretty much it.
Oh and by the way, so what exactly have you contributed to this site? Any romhacks or translations or anything at all really...?Oh man, this just went from annoying to funny very fast with this moron:
PZT wrote:
oh give me a break you sure are loud for someone who's supposedly being silenced
Um, weren't aishsha's posts and those of his teammates deleted? And yes, I've also had many of my posts deleted before in the past as well, including one from this very thread, yet your insults are allowed apparently. Such things were actually much more common then than now, so at least there's that. Besides, it seems to me as though you certainly would like to silence those that you disagree with.
Oh, and great comeback again. You once more disproved nothing of which I've said. So, what are your contributions to this site because you seem to refuse to answer. Now, why would that be exactly...?PZT wrote:
everybody be quiet....does anybody else hear the sound of hot air slowly escaping a balloon
Hahaha, oh my, how lame! Is that the best you've got? What a sad little display. Well, I'm certainly done here then, seeing as you can't disprove anything that I've said and can't even seem to answer what your contributions (read: none) are to this site. Have fun writing lame one-liners and then patting yourself on the back for it. What do toxic leftists' always say? Oh right: "Educate yourself." Perhaps you can learn from that.PZT wrote:
sure see you later Sephiroth
The coolest character in Final Fantasy 7? Okay, I'll take it! Bye then, Dan Hibiki!TrekkiesUnite118 wrote:
It's best to just say "This is what was said or what the intent was, if you don't like it take it up with the original game creators."
You make an excellent point here. This is exactly what Tom said about his Goemon translation and people still harassed him by saying something along the lines of "It doesn't matter if that word was used in the original Japanese script, you should have changed it anyway!" Which is of course, sheer and utter nonsense. Again, fan translators have no reason to pander or give in to the demands of others to change things as they see fit. You can certainly leave such a suggestion, but once the author said no, that's final.And I'll leave you all with this one final thought on the matter: Who contributes more on a romhacking/translation board? It is the romhacker? The translator? Nope, it's neither. Why, it's the virtue signaling SJW of course! Such nonsense... Ah, what a complete and utter moron that leftist troll was...