gerb wrote:
Pete wrote:
Hey Wildbill, Bongo', Draken! It is great getting feedback from almost the whole team of DD. First of all, thank you for the extensive answers to my update.
Concerning Dragon Quest 6: It is a great game and it deserves a quality translation. Obviously, the already existing partial translation does not have the quality of the work you guys at DD have to offer. But this ist not the point. I do not think that you would have to start the project from scratch. Just finishing the existing translation, maybe improving some aspects of it, would be fine and completly suffice to me. I just would like to play the full game in English, understanding every aspect of the storyline etc.
Of course I do not know if it is possible to do this. I think you would have to get the permission of the people having built the original patch. I do not know if they are still active and can be contacted. But as far as I have understood, the case with Shell Monsters Story 1+2 was similar. There was an existing translation that you have improved and completed. Maybe something like this would also be possible with DQ 6?
i translated Dragon Quest 6 DS pretty much to completion myself (the WiFi/sharing stuff is the only thing that's incomplete iirc). I enjoyed both the official translation as well as my own (Hors, Horschuk I'm fond of). I think that the official translation was accurate enough although as with most commercially-motivated translations it does leave/change things that may not interest the target audience in the same way as the original audience. Mine is like that, but without any significant changes to the original text.
Maybe you should give it a try. Patch is floating out there..
Thank you, Pete, Ultpaladin, and Gerb!
Gerb, FYI, I am taking a short hiatus from SSMS-II to get Aretha-II at V-0.99. Compared to the complexity of SSMS-II, A-II is breezing along. That underworld in SSMS-II, however, goes on and on and on, not to mention finding and searching all those secret holes in the crater (post-crash of the floating continent), mopping up the never-ending intricacies of MyTown, finding every single side-quest, and finally, sorting out that danged clock, the wells, and the time temples. But I should be back into the heavy breathing mode with SSMS-II by the beginning of February.
So, if we do get something rolling on SNES DQ-VI, Gerb, can I have a copy of your translation of the DS version? SSMS-II is gonna be so amazing, I would like to sink my teeth into yet another sprawling effort such as DQ-VI. No matter if old groups let us have their systems or not, I know from long experience that Bongo` would just up and redesign the whole doggone insertion engine from the ground up again, as usual! Heh, it's just his way!
As for old translation scripts and FAQs and commercial strategy guides of DQ-VI floating around, Gerb, I like the way you put translation scripts together better than any I've seen outside groups do. Yep, Filler and you are the best! That Filler... He's got me rolling in stitches as I cruise through the downhill side of Aretha-II! That game uses a Consult system, and the party members are constantly on each others cases about any and everything, most of the time!
Pete, you know I was hot to trot on Oni-II for a number of years, but for a reason I won't go into, that ship has sailed and propelled me toward seriously thinking retirement, these days. There's a lot of fish in the waters out there and game lurking the woods, just-a waitin' for my dinner table!