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Post subject: Re: Legends of Localization
PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2021 3:15 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:25 am
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tcaud wrote:
Hate to break it to you but the SNES masterpieces are already accounted for. The remaining games are interesting but are nothing close to "masterpiece" level. SuperFamicom RPG blog has covered a bunch of 'em and well he don't have glowing reviews for many. Most translators have moved on to PSX where there really are a lot of interesting and perhaps even spectacular games remaining to be translated. Most remaining games are just that though: interesting but not something you'd really want to spend 20 hours playing through. Something you might be willing to watch someone else play though if they translated as they played.

I'd mostly agree I think, most of the games that sold well/were popular in Japan are already in English, with very few exceptions (Metal Max 2, Sword World 1 and 2 etc.) PS1 has considerably more stuff left (including some survival horror games - my favourite genre), at this point, but it is also unfortunately really hard to hack, just like PCE-CD and most other CD consoles. Most 8-bit consoles are pretty much done as well, with exception of some GB/C stuff and maybe a couple Famicom games as well. Overall, the progress has been pretty good. It's obvious that we'll never see all the games translated - it's just not physically possible, with how much stuff there was in Asian countries (yeah, China and South Korea actually had "loads" of their own RPGs too, usually they were PC games though, instead), so I'm happy whenever any project gets completed. Thankfully, nowadays almost everything gets localized, maybe except for text-heavy VNs that would sell well in the West anyway and the projects with difficult copyright situation (mostly Super Robot Wars games).

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Localization
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2021 6:36 am 
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There's quite a few good SNES games left that are still yet untranslated, just check "My top translation list" thread in the D-D group discussion forum to see which ones I'm talking about. The main reason why so many people are quitting this hobby is mostly due to the fact that they're older and much more busy now than when they first started years ago. It's also likely that they've already finished translating the games that they were personally interested in and have now moved on to something else. But like Taskforce said, different games appeal to different people. It's all subjective and comes down to one's personal tastes, as with just about everything else in life.

Another big reason why some have chosen to leave the translation scene behind is because they're tired of hearing people complain and criticize them over things which are offered to them for free. It takes a lot of time and dedication to properly hack and translate a game, especially text heavy RPGs. You can thus imagine how it must feel to see a bunch of hate filled posts online attacking these people because of something as trivial as a "word being used" that didn't sit well with snowflakes (as was the case with Tom) or throwing a tantrum because of a few modern day political jokes that were added in the script (like in Wildbill's case). And of course, having others sell their translations and romhacks as repro carts doesn't help either...


"Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind."
- Edward D. Morrison (Tales of Phantasia)

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Localization
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2021 8:13 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:11 am
Posts: 248
tcaud wrote:
Hate to break it to you but the SNES masterpieces are already accounted for. The remaining games are interesting but are nothing close to "masterpiece" level. SuperFamicom RPG blog has covered a bunch of 'em and well he don't have glowing reviews for many. Most translators have moved on to PSX where there really are a lot of interesting and perhaps even spectacular games remaining to be translated. Most remaining games are just that though: interesting but not something you'd really want to spend 20 hours playing through. Something you might be willing to watch someone else play though if they translated as they played.

This is not true.

At all.

Bushi Seiryuuden just came out not too long ago and was an excellent game.

Unless you have personally gone through each of the untranslated RPGs, which are still in the many dozens, and actually played several hours of each game, you don't really have the grounds to make such sweeping (and unfair) generalizations.

There is Ladystalker, the Snes version of Landstalker, Oni, Sacred age 1 and 2 which DD is translating, Traverse: Starlight & Prairie, AGTP still has SRW4 in the works (I think), Gran Historia, Rejoice which looks like a kick butt action rpg and much more. Plus Beasts and blades, Dragon Knight 4, Solid runner, Farland story 1 and 2, Little Master + has anyone translated Fire Emblem 4 yet? Metal Max Returns was awesome so it would seem there must be some redeeming qualities to MM2.

And of course, having others sell their translations and romhacks as repro carts doesn't help either...

Ya, these assholes, what, if anything, is the best way to help in stopping this or shutting their websites down or their illicit businesses? there are idiots on fbook who actually defend these a-holes when you warn people about them!

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Localization
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2021 2:25 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:57 pm
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There was an updated translation for Fire Emblem 4 (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War) released a few years back by DDS...
https://forums.serenesforest.net/index. ... n-beta-v7/
It's labelled beta, but very playable.

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Localization
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2021 3:23 pm 
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Recca wrote:
There's quite a few good SNES games left that are still yet untranslated, just check "My top translation list" thread in the D-D group discussion forum to see which ones I'm talking about. The main reason why so many people are quitting this hobby is mostly due to the fact that they're older and much more busy now than when they first started years ago. It's also likely that they've already finished translating the games that they were personally interested in and have now moved on to something else. But like Taskforce said, different games appeal to different people. It's all subjective and comes down to one's personal tastes, as with just about everything else in life.

Another big reason why some have chosen to leave the translation scene behind is because they're tired of hearing people complain and criticize them over things which are offered to them for free. It takes a lot of time and dedication to properly hack and translate a game, especially text heavy RPGs. You can thus imagine how it must feel to see a bunch of hate filled posts online attacking these people because of something as trivial as a "word being used" that didn't sit well with snowflakes (as was the case with Tom) or throwing a tantrum because of a few modern day political jokes that were added in the script (like in Wildbill's case). And of course, having others sell their translations and romhacks as repro carts doesn't help either...

Nothing will ever drive me away from something I want to do unless my activity infringes on someone's freedom or property. I wouldn't encroach on my neighbors anyway. My main career has always been protecting Americans, our allies, and our friends, not denying them their human or other rights. Plus, I would make the strong argument that I am the polar opposite of a fragile person.

I do this for the pure enjoyment, challenge, and association with my teammates and the gaming community that assists, enjoys, and appreciates the end results of our synergy. Being built the way I am, I end up laughing at these handsful of folks who get their underwear in a bunch over the way I and others have chosen to pursue this hobby. I'm the crazy nut who after another scary firefight will throw empty brass at the jungle and holler, "Come and get me, ya suckers!"

I'll admit now that I was wrong to hold up SSMS-II for a few years, simply because word got back to me that the usual Hee-Haw gang was in an uproar over my anti-communist satire. Or else, some wanted a dry literal translation, such as Poyon mumbling, "I have flatulence. I'm hungry," instead of writing a scene in which the characters speak and react like normal people on a combat patrol in the boonies. Only one person had a right to discuss how I "localized" SSMS-I, and that was because he had a vested interest in the materials we used initially to begin the project. I respect his position. We talked it out, and that's that.

So, what I'm saying, if we pour our emotional energy into worrying about a few detractors, as well as the people who build carts using our patches and selling them for money, we could be wasting our creative energy over matters beyond our control that could possibly be better spent in the pursuit of additional happiness.


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Post subject: Re: Legends of Localization
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2021 4:14 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:25 am
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DoubleDvideogames wrote:
There is Ladystalker, the Snes version of Landstalker, Oni, Sacred age 1 and 2 which DD is translating, Traverse: Starlight & Prairie, AGTP still has SRW4 in the works (I think), Gran Historia, Rejoice which looks like a kick butt action rpg and much more. Plus Beasts and blades, Dragon Knight 4, Solid runner, Farland story 1 and 2, Little Master + has anyone translated Fire Emblem 4 yet? Metal Max Returns was awesome so it would seem there must be some redeeming qualities to MM2.

There's a fan-translation of the NDS version (Metal Max 2 Reloaded) coming fairly soon, almost certainly this year (10th anniversary of this game's release). It's a considerable improvement over the original SNES game, which was also quite fun from what I played - interestingly, it's apparently a best-seller in that series, which makes sense, because it has some of the most iconic "Wanted" and plot events. DDS was working on Traverse, but I don't know how far that translation is, because now he's doing the Tokimeki Memorial for SFC. Farland Story 1 and 2 aren't that great, at least the PC-98 versions I played; seemed rather tedious and not particularly interesting to me, but again, that's just my subjective opinion. Fire Emblem 4 has a beta out, it's in a pretty good state.

Overall, there are still "way" more SNES RPGs left than Mega Drive/Mega CD RPGs to translate - probably at least 4 or 5 to 1; MD has only 3-4 left, Mega CD - between 10-15 - but how many of them are actually good is another matter. I'd say... probably a couple dozen, from what I've checked myself (out of more than 70-80 at least).

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Localization
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2021 6:29 pm 
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Wish I had the skills to hack a Sega CD game just so I could say I did :) I've Done work on NES, SNES and Game Gear, be nice to do a Genesis/Sega CD game for the heck of it :) I've been poking at another Game Gear game but it is not an RPG and I'm not ready to announce anything official on that front. Especially since I haven't had time to mess with it in a while. Hopefully that will move forward sometime soon and I'll have more if it moves forward which I don't promise (although, it might not be a dynamic designs project in the end, we'll see what that holds when the time comes.)


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Post subject: Re: Legends of Localization
PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2021 6:08 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:25 am
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taskforce wrote:
Wish I had the skills to hack a Sega CD game just so I could say I did :) I've Done work on NES, SNES and Game Gear, be nice to do a Genesis/Sega CD game for the heck of it :) I've been poking at another Game Gear game but it is not an RPG and I'm not ready to announce anything official on that front. Especially since I haven't had time to mess with it in a while. Hopefully that will move forward sometime soon and I'll have more if it moves forward which I don't promise (although, it might not be a dynamic designs project in the end, we'll see what that holds when the time comes.)

As far as I'm aware, every Game Gear RPG is already (fan)translated. There are a couple platformers and such left, mostly. Good luck with the project, hope it goes well! Every completed project is good, even if there are no more RPGs to work on. :) Game Gear has a couple decent platformers that could be translated, too.

It's a shame that still there's no decent debugger for Sega CD, to this day. I guess that must be why pretty much nothing for it was fan-translated. It has a few interesting RPGs and other games to work on. Genesis has fewer interesting games left at this point, it's just about a dozen strategy games/a couple RPGs + very few games in other genres (there are also some ongoing projects for the "big" games like The Hybrid Front/Surging Aura). Being European, I used to really love Sega back in the day, they'd been the top dog here until PS1 dropped. Overall, I'd say that SNES still has way more games worthy of translation than most Sega consoles combined, largely because it had a metric ton of exclusives.

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Localization
PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2021 3:33 am 
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Recca wrote:
There's quite a few good SNES games left that are still yet untranslated, just check "My top translation list" thread in the D-D group discussion forum to see which ones I'm talking about.

Can't seem to find that thread...got a link to it?

A stamp for your book? Sorry, I don't have one.

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Localization
PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:37 am 
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Sherkel wrote:
Recca wrote:
There's quite a few good SNES games left that are still yet untranslated, just check "My top translation list" thread in the D-D group discussion forum to see which ones I'm talking about.

Can't seem to find that thread...got a link to it?

It's currently the top one in "Forum and Group News and Info" under the "Dynamic Designs Group Forum" section:

"Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind."
- Edward D. Morrison (Tales of Phantasia)

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