Amon_Re wrote:
Hmm.... I suppose I could suggest some SNES ports of the games I had in mind, since that's familiar hardware. There are so many excellent RPG's out there on so many different platforms that really could use some loving.
I mentioned Xak earlier, well, there is an SNES port of Xak 1 (
some gameplay on youtube).
Maybe I should just get into hacking myself, I dabbled with 6502 assembly years (or should I say decades) ago
The scene could always use more talented people who are passionate about games. I myself started in a similar way, though I took a liking to the script translation end more than the technical one. If you're interested in Xak games, Nightwolve translated Xak III what seems like forever ago apparently. I ran across it here: ... S3JAkhchCA There are links to a project page in there. I always kind of assumed that if Xak III was translated Xaks I and II probably were as well but I don't really know.
Ok, wow, so I decided to look it up. Here is a bit of scene history you may or may not know being interested in the MSX but the origin of rom hacking is actually attributed to initial translations done for the MSX. It's kind of the first system that was worked on. What may be the first group, Oasis, actually did Xak II which has a patch available on RHDN. Looks like Xak I was also done but it sounds like only as a paid purchase. The initial MSX scene evolved pretty differently than romhacking as it is now. In the Netherlands apparently selling patches for the MSX games at conventions and such was (is?) the norm.
EDIT: Arg, my bad. I see in an earlier post you seem to be aware of the translations of II and III. I blame it on being first thing in the morning that I didn't check that before posting.