I've just started on Mystic Ark, still on the first world. It's odd to see an RPG showing very strong elements similar to 7th Saga being dubbed as '7th Saga II' I think elements
are directly related to the original game: the round crystal orb indicating enemies, towns, and such (though at this point it's odd I haven't seen a 0 icon indicating a town like in the original); as well as the menu system and combat.
In terms of combat the difficulty switch hasn't been turned into 'stupid hard' yet, I find it amazing that skeletons are not difficult in this game but oh MAN do I remember them in 7th Saga they were BRUTAL. Unless its one of those situations that people complained Devil May Cry was too difficult and Capcom toned it WAY down when they made its sequel. I can't think off the top of my head of an RPG that copied elements from it's original predessesor in a strong way but have no direct relationship storyline wise, although the "arks" remind me of "runes" but these are first impressions, being new to this fourm still I'm sure the developers are anxious for a new player to give his opinion on the title later down the road. As a new mind is just reaping with vast new knowledge and insights
Only thing I'm scared of is breaking a controller, as 7th Saga was no walk in the park!