The one who try it the hard way
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Author:  Draken [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The one who try it the hard way

I loved Boozoo :D "zooooooooooo!"

In my opinion, he was the hardest boss in the whole game.

Author:  Remilia Scarlet [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The one who try it the hard way

He's quite amusing, but just totally cheap. With my whole party at full HP, his single rain of fist kill either 1 or 2 of my characters, and the rest is badly wounded. I don't have time to recover that he do another, sometime even the following turn. What am I supposed to do against that ?

Author:  Draken [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The one who try it the hard way

Abuse save states. Ha-ha!

Author:  Wildbill [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The one who try it the hard way

Remilia Scarlet wrote:
He's quite amusing, but just totally cheap. With my whole party at full HP, his single rain of fist kill either 1 or 2 of my characters, and the rest is badly wounded. I don't have time to recover that he do another, sometime even the following turn. What am I supposed to do against that ?
After getting waxed by Boozoo, I obtained stronger players and buffed up in the training mountain you mentioned. The mountain is hard but not as tough as Boozoo. Also, you can get some stronger equipment in the mountain if I recall correctly.

The purpose of the mountain is to max out your spirit power, find some good equipment, and grind levels in a place other than random countrysides. Spirit techniques are important in the mountain, but with Boozoo you must become strong enough to kill him fast. As you weaken him, that's when he is most likely to unleash that killer technique. His strength really seems out of proportion to the flow of the game, but when you finally get him, you'll be smarter about how to fight him if you replay and ready to move on against the final obstacles.

Author:  Remilia Scarlet [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The one who try it the hard way

I just finished the game yesterday... But I've got so hooked by the ending that I didn't got the will to post here right away !

The end of the game was just great. Hence again, I DID regret not doing Lennus 1 first, because some of the end of game twist-plots related to the 1, finally, didn't took me more than that in the end, sadly. I really regret not having started by the first one. (Say, who here guessed the identity of Petro ? I sure did, but I was wondering for the peoples who played the first game beforehand.)

That say, the end is just great. Granada has an antipathetic, strange, dynamic design, just the style I love for an arch-villiain. The final dungeon is superb, the music too, too bad it lack some greater twist-plots toward the end, I didn't found very meaningful the "What you are, Farus" twist-plot. The ending is quite good and long, too, still it lacks some details I would like to know. The whole thing feel like "See you in Lennus III for seeing Raiga and Soa", but... Arrrh, Enix, I want you to make Lennus III ! Right away !

Well... Maybe now "Right away", finally, as for right away, I started a play of Lennus 1. It's a little sad to do it the bad order, but it's still a pleasure to see Lennus again some time in the past. Say, did we know exactly how many years has passed between Lennus 1 and 2 ? I was wondering if there is any returning playable characters, so that their ages can be compared.

Author:  Wildbill [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The one who try it the hard way

Remilia Scarlet wrote:
I just finished the game yesterday... But I've got so hooked by the ending that I didn't got the will to post here right away !

The end of the game was just great. Hence again, I DID regret not doing Lennus 1 first, because some of the end of game twist-plots related to the 1, finally, didn't took me more than that in the end, sadly. I really regret not having started by the first one. (Say, who here guessed the identity of Petro ? I sure did, but I was wondering for the peoples who played the first game beforehand.)

That say, the end is just great. Granada has an antipathetic, strange, dynamic design, just the style I love for an arch-villiain. The final dungeon is superb, the music too, too bad it lack some greater twist-plots toward the end, I didn't found very meaningful the "What you are, Farus" twist-plot. The ending is quite good and long, too, still it lacks some details I would like to know. The whole thing feel like "See you in Lennus III for seeing Raiga and Soa", but... Arrrh, Enix, I want you to make Lennus III ! Right away !

Well... Maybe now "Right away", finally, as for right away, I started a play of Lennus 1. It's a little sad to do it the bad order, but it's still a pleasure to see Lennus again some time in the past. Say, did we know exactly how many years has passed between Lennus 1 and 2 ? I was wondering if there is any returning playable characters, so that their ages can be compared.
It is a super addictive game. I really enjoyed the characters.

I seem to recall that L-I (PQ) occurred 10 years sooner. L-III was planned, according to the debugging dialogue, but was obviously canceled. I would like to create and write L-III, if I had an engine to import all of the imagery and necessary pieces of the game.

The whole acti-raigan concept centered around a character who was created as an amoral super-entity. But Farus bonded with the Andelese, Eltzians, etc., just as Petro gambled he would, otherwise, we would have had the REAL Great Union, and the ending would have been totally different.

No, I never imagined who Petro was, not until I played the beta that Draken gave me, up to that point. Then, I held up release half a year because I became obsessed with re-writing the story following exhaustive research. Draken finally caved in, hee-hee...! After Mystic Ark, I KNEW you would like the dark villain.

I'm glad you finally waxed Boo-zoo. That guys kills you while you're laughing at him in a light-hearted way!

BTW, a group of French Slayers fans have introduced themselves here. Slayers should be our next release - this spring most likely.

Author:  Red Soul [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The one who try it the hard way

Let's not forget about Feda revised and Feda french while we're at it.

Author:  taskforce [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The one who try it the hard way

Yeah, Feda Revised shouldn't bee too much longer. It would be out now but lots of crap has come up eating at my time recently, so I haven't been able to play as much as I'd like.

Author:  Remilia Scarlet [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The one who try it the hard way

It is a super addictive game. I really enjoyed the characters.

Yes, too bad there isn't much more on the mercenaries' background. :) The universe is quite something, too. I didn't found the story and the characters that great to be honest - but the world, the universe, the ambiance... Hell, it did hooked me ! And still do ! Not to mention those graphics that has a something artistic... (Even in Lennus 1 !)

I seem to recall that L-I (PQ) occurred 10 years sooner. L-III was planned, according to the debugging dialogue, but was obviously canceled. I would like to create and write L-III, if I had an engine to import all of the imagery and necessary pieces of the game.

Mmmh, what do you mean by that ? What debugging dialogues are you mentioning ?

Say... Create and write a Lennus-III wouldn't be a little thing to do. What did you need exactly ? Maybe I can help... Hey, if you're going to write a L-III fangame, don't leave me behind; simply because I want to be a great scenarist (Peoples around me says I'm somewhat a good scenarist, and I have a passion for writing and screenwriting) and would be delighted to help you out on the story. Lennus-II have not a great story maybe, but I didn't means I didn't liked it : I loved the whole concept, the New Immortals, Raiga and Granada... Yeah, I mean, there is a lot of potential. And I like this potential, and especially, the whole ambiance of the game. I'm just meaning this potential isn't fully used, maybe because of the time when the game was release (the SNES-era, where the story had still difficulty to overcome some basis). But, one thing is sure : Lennus has something unique, and it gave me an enormous flow of inspiration like I didn't got such for a long time !

The whole acti-raigan concept centered around a character who was created as an amoral super-entity. But Farus bonded with the Andelese, Eltzians, etc., just as Petro gambled he would, otherwise, we would have had the REAL Great Union, and the ending would have been totally different.

But on a certain side, from the moment Petro took over Farus, wasn't it obvious Farus would become a good person ? And to this end, this isn't what interest me the most : Granada, as himself an Acti-Raigan, was raised on Raiga. I mean... Does that mean that, since Farus became good with the influence of Eltzan and Lennusians, Granada became bad because of Raigans ? And so, that would mean Raiga itself was allright with what was doing Granada and the New Immortals which are also Raigans. The situation on Raiga is unknown, but what if peoples here actually wanted someone like Granada to become like that and make such crazy plan ? What if Farus became good because of Eltz, when Granada became evil because of Raiga ? It is a very interesting point to consider, because as Midia said, they awakened both in a common time, and grew from the same neutral line. Don't you find fun to immagine Granada being the good-pal and Farus the crazy almighty-evil by inverting the roles ? :p

No, I never imagined who Petro was, not until I played the beta that Draken gave me, up to that point. Then, I held up release half a year because I became obsessed with re-writing the story following exhaustive research. Draken finally caved in, hee-hee...! After Mystic Ark, I KNEW you would like the dark villain.

Well, maybe it is because I didn't played Lennus 1 but... Of course, you can't guess WHO is Petro the first time but... Tying things together, it become more and more clear : He's from another planet, You meet Midia who tell she's from the same origin as Petro, then Daphne say Petro already came here to ask her helps, and not to mention that peoples in Lennus tell you that Chezni is gone since a certain time. In the end, it's some evidence, but maybe someone who has played Lennus-1 would have more difficulty to got it because... Well... It's hard to immagine Chezni becoming bald.

To this end, yes, I love the design of normal Granada. Well, its end boss form don't gave me such attention, but his normal stand has a somewhat original design, an "Evil God" feel. A feel I like, because the very think I loved in Lennus-II's story, is the whole "Evil gods" things, with crazy Raigans like Barts who think the whole world is only a playground for them. I must say, a lot of my favorite villains suit a similar line : Being a strange, over-powered foe/god-like with an intriguing, antepathetic and somewhat original design, or else, villains who has true reasons of acting like that, if it isn't, a truly understandable motive. Things like that. For Darkness of Mystic Ark for example, I did understood the madness he came through with the Dark World where he grew up; becoming disgusted day by day, it's clearly something you understand and feel through the notes in the Dark World, which is like "a little walk in Darkness' mind and past". Here, you wonder how he did became the monstruosity he is, of course, but you understand a little more why he is like that, and he don't feel as much a random villain as sooner in the game. (Where you virtually just hear about him or hear him laugh at you at World 4)
I'm glad you finally waxed Boo-zoo. That guys kills you while you're laughing at him in a light-hearted way!

... That's exactly that. <<

BTW, a group of French Slayers fans have introduced themselves here. Slayers should be our next release - this spring most likely.

Hum ? French you say ? That does make me think... I should try to translate some parts of the script of Lennus-II, just for fun and training. My main passion is writing. It's crazy how some characters make incredible speechs of a dozen of lines, things such as I rarely seen in a game. I notably think of Granada... (Heck, how long is his final speech ? I transcribed it all, and it take at least 30 lines !)

Author:  Wildbill [ Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The one who try it the hard way

Remilia Scarlet, I will try to get back to you soon. We released Slayers, and things have been hoping around here like crazy!

I DO want to address the subjects in your post. Just give me some time.

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